Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No Husky Puppies In My Future...

It is official..... My hopes and dreams of Stihl having little husky puppies is over.... 

We could have had a littler of these precious babies but..... with the twins arriving any time now we really had no other choice.  It was time for her to visit the vet and get fixed.
I know it may not seem like it in this picture but she is handling it all extremely well.  This was just her first night back and she was still a little doped up.  I love that she is totally passed out with her little tongue out.

 Our vet really did a great job! 

She only needs to wear her cone at nighttime and it doesn't phase her one bit... Well at least until she wakes in the morning and runs for the front door.  She gets stuck every time between the door and the door frame!

No Husky

1 comment:

  1. Poor Stihl. Yes the puppies would have been adorable but with the babies you will have your hands full! I still need to neuter my cat but everytime We are going to do it he disappears like he knows whats up! I just noticed your twins ticker says 15 days to go! I know you could have them any day and it's just so exciting you have made it this far!!! Post some belly pics and try a video of the babies moving around!
