Today Curtis and I had the pleasure of seeing his nieces three in their sacrament meeting now that I am on modified bed rest! I can't tell you how excited I was to get out of the house and how fun it was to see all the children up there singing, making faces, dancing.... It was so much fun! Even Carter and Charlie got into the songs and they danced around in my belly the whole time! Thank you girls for such a lovely morning!
Grace, Caroline, Lila, and......
I can't forget sweet baby William! He wasn't able to be in the program but he cheered along with the rest of us in the crowd!
After the program we had a big family dinner over at Jayna and Tylers house. To my surprise when I walked in, the girls has made me the most spectacular birthday banner I have ever seen! We were having a little surprise party! Christy cooked what might now be my most favorite meal ever! It was an ingenious concoction that included pasta, cheese, heavy cream, bacon, chicken, and shrimp! Oh it was so good!
Can you see the excitement on my face that brought out ALL six chins...... Yes over Christmas onesies!
I know I don't SEEM to be excited about this gift in this photo but I assure you I am! Grace had taken tissue paper and made me a bouquet of flowers to put in the nursery. I was int he middle of asking her how she had done it and if she could show me some time! So talented Grace! Thank You!
And here it is!!! All EIGHT chins!!!! But they just can't be contained when seeing the adorable onesies that Jayna brought back with her from her London! I can't wai tto dress up my little chaps Carter and Charlie! Thank you!
Seriously..... so cute!
Sherry baked up a scrumptious pumpkin pie cheese cake, with a pecan crust and fresh whipped cream! Everyone was so excited to dig in that I even had helpers to blow out my candels. Miss. Brigitte to my left and Miss. Lila to my right!
Curtis was so kind as to eat around every edge of my cake to make it this small little piece. I don't mind though because they send me home with the whole second pan we didn't even touch yet!!!1 :)
Almost all the nieces and nephews! The only one missing is Wlliam who was off splashing in the bath!
Where is Pop going to find room to get Carter and Charlie in there when they arrive..... :)
Now Miss. Caroline drew me a picture for my Birthday and it was a picture of me! I told her I would keep it next to the crib in case I'm not there to be the first thing that babies see, then they will have her spot on drawing there to comfort them in the meantime! Thank You Caroline!
This is the bed rest part of modified bed rest. As funny as this may sound but now that the doctor has ok'd me to move around more I have less and less energy to do all teh things that I want and can do!
Curtis and I! Xoxoxo
The side picture is so much more revealing on the ACTUAL size of my belly filled with 11 POUNDS of baby at 34 weeks! Please note my husband looking lovingly at my belly.... I can hear it in his head now "Dang, that's a huge belly".
Here it is a little closer!
The ONLY reason that I am posting this picture is for PURE SCIENTIFIC
fact that I, Kallie Anne Crandall will NEVER HAVE A BUTT! Even with
pregnancy! I'm pretty sure it has actually longer and flatter!
Oh and I cant forget the "28" the girls some how cut out and plastered on my belly! :)
Love Love Love these little angels and they are so excited to meet Carter and Charlie!
Oh and last but not least Dan and Sherry got us what we so so so so desperately wanted!!!! An incredibly fancy new CAMERA and VIDEO recorder!!!!! Now with my new blog and camera thanks to Sherry I will be posting pictures and videos like a mad woman! Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special!
I love love your write up!!! Don't worry Dan will always have room for Charlie and Carter!!!! I'm still waiting for the video of Carter and Charlie dancing in your belly :)